Magical - that's what this session was for me.

Let me talk about this family. I've none them for only about a year, but they have become huge blessings in my life. They've brought me dinner, watched my boys, introduced us to fun family nights and games - I could go on and on. They are so kind and helpful and selfless. Lara and Scott have raised their kids with wonderful goodness, and they love us so much. We love them, too!
Spending some time with this beautiful family was easy and fun. I brought my husband and babies, too, and we all had a great time catching up!
We were blessed with bright, warm autumn light and such vibrant colors. Thomas Mitchell Park really showed off for us. I am so thankful, because this is what perfection looks like.
I'm just overflowing with gratitude as I look back on this session. I love these people. I love our community. I love art and beauty. Thank you to my Heavenly Father for these blessings!