This was a special session! My high school newspaper teacher - one of my very favorite teachers - reached out to me to photograph her kids and their cousins. It's a gift for the grandparents. I was happy to oblige.

I remember when Sarah was on maternity leave with Gabe. Now he and his two brothers are so grown up! And it took all of us to get Little Man to smile.

To make it even more special, each of the boys has a cousin his age! So, of course we paired them by age!

All in all, it was a great day! Ritchey Woods was a new location for me, but it was fantastic! Free, which is nice, with lots of variety in settings. Plus, we had some pretty beautiful sunset light.

Thanks for working with me, Snider clan! And, to Sarah Snider, thanks for being a great teacher! I have a great education and a great career because of educators like you.